Designer: Strut Performance Makeup
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What is a Pirouette Board?
So what exactly is a pirouette board and what does it do? A pirouette board, like the name alludes to, is a tool that helps your turning and spinning. Dancers and, most importantly, ballet dancers have been spinning on the stages for a long time, and we all realize the beauty and toughness of this skill, but it doesn't come that easy. A proper ballet pirouette needs the right spotting, a strong core and maintained balance. These turn boards provide support and elasticity required on the floor so that you can achieve the rhythm needed for a proper pirouette. Basically, a talented turner may not require turn boards since they already have mastered their spotting, but for those struggling to get there, it's certainly no easy feat.
Zenmarkt® Pirouette Board will help you improve the key elements of turning:
- Spotting
- Finding Your Center
- Core Balance
- Turn Speed and Technique
- Turning Confidence
This turning board is designed for easy use and convenience for adults and children.
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